Monday, October 10, 2022

Can Supplements Help with Bed Sores Healing?


During recovery from an injury or surgery, you should expect a lot of downtime. Your body needs time to heal and the best way for it to do that is to rest. While resting you might expect a lot of days and nights spent in bed watching your favorite shows. You might even expect a bit of boredom. 


What you most likely aren’t expecting are bed sores. Bed sores can be painful and difficult to heal. What exactly are they and how might supplements heal them faster? 

What Are Bed Sores?

Bed sores can occur when you are immobile or inactive for long periods of time. They can appear anywhere on your body that is touching the bed or surface below you. Bed sores are small wounds or ulcers that are caused by inadequate blood supply to your skin. 


When you lay on your side, for example, you are placing pressure on the skin between you and the bed or surface. If you lay on your side for too long, too much pressure is applied to the skin resulting in a bed sore. When bed sores aren’t treated properly, they can become painful and possibly infected. 

How Do You Treat Bed Sores?

The best way to treat bed sores is to prevent them. You can prevent bed sores by making a point to move as much as possible. If you’re bedridden, switch your lying position every 30-minutes to an hour. If you are immobile, ask a family member or caretaker to help you switch positions. Rotating where you place pressure on your skin will reduce your risk for bed sores. 


Another tip for preventing bed sores is to maintain your skin’s lubrication. Dry, crackling skin is more likely to tear and cause painful wounds or sores. Keep your skin lubricated by applying lotions and creams to it often. If you do have an open bed sore, make sure to keep it clean with a saline solution. Then, apply petroleum jelly to the wound site and cover with a clean gauze bandage. 


Lastly, you reduce your risk of bed sores and heal them faster by tracking your nutrition. Certain nutrients have been scientifically shown to help wounds heal faster. Consuming more of these in your diet or through dietary supplements may help relieve painful bed sores faster. 


What Nutrients Help Treat Bed Sores?

Vitamin C

Vitamin C isn’t just for fighting colds. The essential vitamin found in plant foods like citrus fruits is a powerful antioxidant. It helps strengthen the immune system to better fight off infection at the wound site of bed sores and is necessary for collagen production. 


Collagen is a protein used by your body to create skin tissue. During the wound healing process, you need enough collagen to create and repair damaged skin tissue. Getting enough vitamin C is crucial for ensuring you are producing adequate amounts of collagen. 


L-glutamine is an amino acid that plays a big role in fighting off infection so your bed sores can heal more quickly. It’s also necessary for your cells to divide and increase your number of skin cells to repair open bed sores. 


Zinc is a vital mineral needed for the functioning of many bodily processes, such as metabolism and immune system health. An increase in zinc intake is linked to faster recovery times for burn injuries and wounds. Zinc may help repair bed sores faster by increasing collagen production and fighting off infection. 


Selenium is known for its benefits in skin health such as reducing inflammation and even preventing cancer. Selenium is an antioxidant that may help reduce recovery time in burn patients. These benefits may extend to healing other wounds such as bed sores. 

Healing Bed Sores- The Takeaway

Bed sores are unsightly and often painful. Preventative measures can be taken to reduce your risk of developing bed sores, but they are sometimes inevitable. If you are dealing with painful bed sores, healing them should be your priority. Topical creams and solutions can be used to treat bed sores, but nutrition plays an important role as well. 


An all-in-one dietary supplement like WoundVite can be a helpful solution to ensure you get the nutrients necessary to expedite bed sore healing. WoundVite contains 21 vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements chosen for their effectiveness in healing wounds. Taking a multivitamin dietary supplement like WoundVite co-formulated by Devan Patel along with a healthy balanced diet may help make your bed sore recovery a much smoother process. 

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